Facebook offers Obituaries of dead ones: Memorialised Profiles
Facebook allows users to memorialise a profile of a deceased person so that friends can continue to mourn publicly on the profile page. This feature has been existing for past two years.
The idea here is what happens to one’s facebook profile when he is dead. When someone leaves us, then his/her mempries still remain with us and thus facebook offers to “memorhas this idea of “memorialized” profiles. People can save and share their memories of the person who has passed away, on the memorialzed profile of the passed away.
After recieving proof of death, Facebook will lock the page and still make it available to existing friends. By memorializing the account of someone who has passed away, people will no longer see that person appear in their Suggestions. When an account is memorialized, Facebook sets privacy so that only confirmed friends can see the profile or locate it in search. Facebook also protects the deceased’s privacy by removing sensitive information such as contact information and status updates. Memorializing an account also prevents anyone from logging into it in the future.
For more details on how to memorialize a Facebook Profile check this link.